We would like to inform you that the ACT is scheduled for June 9th, 2024, 在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. Please ensure you are prepared and arrive on time for this important exam.

所有国家考试的报告地址, 包括ACT/SAT, 奥克伍德大道1315号是什么, Raleigh, NC, 锅炉大厦大堂.




8 a.m. – 5 p.m.




The Testing and Assessment 在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 provides a variety of assessment services and assistance to faculty, 学生, 以及大学的其他成员. The goal of the Testing and Assessment is to institute quality testing and assessment and conduct evaluations that are essential to developing the needed strategies to assist faculty working with first and second-year 学生.

学生成功的使命 & Testing Center exists to provide 学生 with concrete strategies that will facilitate success across the educational span throughout their matriculation. Working in consultation with trained and caring professionals, 学生 will be able to meet challenges faced when adjusting to college, 计划和跟踪学业坚持, receive personal support which fosters academic and social involvement in challenging courses, 培养批判性思维能力, 养成适当的中学后学习习惯, and experience positive peer support with academic and 社会融合. Comprehensive testing services are extended beyond the University into the community while maintaining institutional, local, state, 并获得国家学术标准认证.




  • Working with academic units to facilitate and coordinate initial skill assessment in Reading, Writing, 和数学.
  • Assisting academic units with the appropriate course placement and credits depending on a student’s incoming skill level.
  • Providing a service and location where 学生 can take independent exams, as well as state and nationally administered tests.
  • Provide evaluation measures to assess student performance.
  • Facilitating student assessment through exit exams.
  • Providing resources on testing and assessment in support of improvement efforts and faculty research.





Director of Testing and International 服务 Officer
919.516.4680 |传真:919.516.4681



The SuperStrong® assessment is derived from the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment, one of the most widely used career tools in the world. 

Focus 2 – A Career and Education Planning System for College Student

Focus is a career assessment administered to incoming freshmen. Focus 2 guides 学生 through a reliable career and education decision making model to help them choose their major and make informed decisions about their career. 焦点2包含5个自我评估, 职业及专业探索, 行动计划, 和决策在一个综合产品.


GPI reflects a global and holistic view of student learning and development and the importance of the campus environment in fostering holistic development.


Noel-Levitz College Student Inventory (CSI) identifies the individual strengths and challenges for each member of Saint Augustine’s University’s incoming freshmen class. It also provides data on the receptivity to interventions, early in the first term.

*Assessment Testing is administered in the fall semester.



Instructors are required to complete the service request form prior to sending student(s) to the testing lab (SAU 学生)

第一步: 使用下面的链接请求测试服务

第二步: 为了测试安全, 请电子邮件, or hand deliver exam to the testing center prior to the schedule date. 

第三步: Instruct student(s) to report to the Testing Center on the scheduled date and time.



  • Applicant most present two forms of identification
  • 6个月后再考
  • 赚取最多24小时的学分



  • 认证 Council for Accountancy and Taxation
  • American Board of Optician/National Contact Lens Exam
  • 注册健康教育专科医生
  • 注册资讯系统经理(CISM)
  • CFP认证考试
  • 科目标准化测验(DSST)
  • 心电图描记的考试
  • 外事笔试(FSWE)
  • 管理学研究生入学考试(GMAT)
  • 人力资源认证
  • 医科大学入学考试(MCAT)
  • 米勒类比测验(MAT)
  • 药学大学入学考试(PCAT)
  • 药学技术员认证委员会. (PTCB)
  • 英语口语测试(TSE)
  • World Languages other than English Assessment (WLOE)


  • Make sure you familiarize yourself with the testing location prior to test date.
  • 给自己足够的时间到达我们的设施.
  • Know what you need to bring on the day you are scheduled to test, including proper identification.
  • Don’t wait until the night before the exam to begin studying for the test. Review and study materials several weeks before the test.
  • Form a study group to help each other study and prep for the test.
  • 考试前一晚好好休息.
  • 考试当天早上吃一点早餐.
  • Stay relaxed and confident, by keeping a positive attitude.
  • Make sure that you read each question thoroughly and not rush through the test.


  • 监听设备包括, 但不限于, 手机/寻呼机, beepers, 对讲机, PDA或无线通信设备(如.g.、智能手机、平板电脑、mp3播放器)
  • 帽子(宗教场合佩戴的除外)
  • Hoodies
  • 计算器/计算器手表
  • 食品、饮料或烟草制品
  • Digital cameras, digital watches (wrist or pocket), alarm watches or wrist watch cameras
  • 荧光笔和/或彩色钢笔或铅笔
  • 武器或火器
  • Dictionaries, books pamphlets, reference materials
  • 复印或照相设备
  • Papers of any kind (expect for authorized scratch paper provided by the center)
  • 计算尺、量角器、圆规或尺子
  • Non-medical electronic devices (laptop computers and digital assistants)
  • 听音设备,带耳机的收音机,ipod
  • 任何其他未经授权的测试辅助设备


Test takers must have the appropriate ID to test 在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Testing Center. ID documents must meet the following requirements:

  • id必须是原始文件. 不接受影印文件. 没有例外!
  • 个人必须有有效的身份证件. Expired documents (bearing expiration dates that have passed) will not be accepted and individuals will not be able to test.
  • 证件必须是近照. Images must be visible and must clearly match the test taker.
  • 证件上必须有考生的签名.


The following is a list of acceptable primary ID documents:

  • 护照上有照片、姓名和签名
  • Valid driver license (current and not expired) with photograph, name and signature.
  • State issued IDs issued by the Department of Motor Vehicle with a photo, name and signature.
  • National IDs that have photograph, name, and signature
  • 有照片,姓名和签名的军证. NOTE: If test takers Military ID does not have their signature, 他们必须能够提供补充身份证件